صفحة 5 من 16

رد: English Chat

مرسل: الثلاثاء 2009.1.6 4:37 pm
بواسطة معتز سيد

Hi every one
I know it is empty, (no one is here)
But I will come every day and say hi for the silence.

Ok no body see you again :032:

رد: English Chat

مرسل: الأربعاء 2009.1.7 8:04 pm
بواسطة ودعسوم11
It's good idea but like you know we [sudanese people we have complicated situation]

With English special [studient I hop we learn from you some little about english by your usefull topics

رد: English Chat

مرسل: الخميس 2009.1.8 8:29 am
بواسطة معتز سيد
ودعسوم11 كتب:It's good idea but like you know we [sudanese people we have complicated situation]

With English special [studient I hop we learn from you some little about english by your usefull topics

Thank you man for being here happy0005.gif

keep youself around THUMBUP.gif

do not give up :smiels0:


رد: English Chat

مرسل: الخميس 2009.1.8 9:36 am
بواسطة darasta90
yup you got that right mo3tz no givin' up
see everything just needs sometime... i believe so does learning the english lang. so like he said my friend dont give up

رد: English Chat

مرسل: الخميس 2009.1.8 1:02 pm
بواسطة معتز سيد
darasta90 كتب:yup you got that right mo3tz no givin' up
see everything just needs sometime... i believe so does learning the english lang. so like he said my friend dont give up
welcome bk Rasta man :076: ...

Take it easy please

Come to here every day and say any thing :076:

رد: English Chat

مرسل: الجمعة 2009.1.9 8:21 am
بواسطة معتز سيد

[grade="FF4500 4B0082 0000FF 000000 F4A460"]
I am just wondering[/grade]

[fot1]Why no body comes here?!![/fot1]


رد: English Chat

مرسل: الجمعة 2009.1.9 11:47 pm
بواسطة احسان
[grade="00BFFF 4169E1 0000FF"]i am come

how you are

i want chat with you

if you come call me in thes number


ok forget

i will be back soon to see you [/grade]

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 6:29 am
بواسطة معتز سيد
[mark=FFFF00]Welcome back Ms [fot1]Ehsan[/fot1]

I have been thinking that
one day, all the abestent members
would come back

and now we have you
waiting for you and, all the others

pls, come every day and say anything
there is no need for your Ph. No
[fot1]Only we need from you[/fot1]
[grade="00BFFF 4169E1 0000FF"]is some words[/grade]
[fot1]once a day[/fot1]


رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 2:27 pm
بواسطة احسان
معتز سيد كتب:
[mark=FFFF00]Welcome back Ms [fot1]Ehsan[/fot1]

I have been thinking that
one day, all the abestent members
would come back

and now we have you
waiting for you and, all the others

pls, come every day and say anything
there is no need for your Ph. No
[fot1]Only we need from you[/fot1]
[grade="00BFFF 4169E1 0000FF"]is some words[/grade]
[fot1]once a day[/fot1]



how you are today

are you good

i come only to say hi

and i will come evry day to say that

if you have new opinion tell me

best regards Ehsan

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 3:37 pm
بواسطة معتز سيد

[grade="00008B FF6347 008000 4B0082"]This is to tell you [/grade] [grade="8B0000 FF0000 FF7F50"]I amso glad hearing from you again[/grade]
[grade="00008B FF6347 008000 4B0082"]I am fine thank you[/grade]

[grade="DEB887 D2691E A0522D"]Hope you are V. fine[/grade]

[fot1]Yes keep on coming here[/fot1]
[fot1]Soon I may suggest something [/fot1]
[fot1]So till then, have a nice day[/fot1]
[fot1]Best regards [/fot1]

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 5:08 pm
بواسطة شمعة امل
hi every one

how do you do !!! nice!!!!

mo3taz , sooona hellooooo

how your day!!!!! :040:

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 6:13 pm
بواسطة احسان
[grade="00BFFF 4169E1 0000FF"]HI SHAMA

i am fine and you

and my day is so nice [/grade]

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 6:23 pm
بواسطة شمعة امل
hiiiiiiiiiiii soooooona

am fine but this day iam sooooooooo poor

and soooo nervous

:004: :004:

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 6:41 pm
بواسطة طارق على
Fined You At All Time In Agood Condition

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 11:05 pm
بواسطة معتز سيد

Hi every one
How are you

[fot1]Sham3at Amal [/fot1]talking to us
I don't beleive that
(Am I in a dream)
!!??:D :019:

how are you Sham3a?
I noticed that you were suffering a bit nervous
Take it easy plz,
I hope by now you are back to yourself

How are you Ehsan,
How was your day, I hope every thing are fine with you

and, Who is That guy
Tarig Ali,
why didn't you tell us you would come
we would bring some flowers to celebrate
Welcome man, please come here every day

Ok every one
hope a nice day and best luck for you
KEEP in touch please
:0040: :0040:

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 11:10 pm
بواسطة احسان
شمعة امل كتب:

hiiiiiiiiiiii soooooona

am fine but this day iam sooooooooo poor

and soooo nervous

:004: :004:

:D i will give you many gold to be rich

do not wary the day will be good with out nervous

just breath easy :008:

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 11:16 pm
بواسطة احسان

hi zezo

i am fine

and my day is verey nice

i hop your day like my day

thank you for ask for us you are kind man

Best regard

رد: English Chat

مرسل: السبت 2009.1.10 11:30 pm
بواسطة معتز سيد
yes my day was fine

and now i am extremely fine

that because of two reasons

number one meet you nice freinds

number two you were fine

but , i hope Sham3a feel good by now

what about her

رد: English Chat

مرسل: الأحد 2009.1.11 9:14 am
بواسطة darasta90
ello guys... hey how come everytime i come here i hear this song
grrrrrr it makes me laggin
anyhow gud mornin friendoOz have a nice day every1

رد: English Chat

مرسل: الأحد 2009.1.11 9:17 am
بواسطة darasta90
oh one more thing.. like mo3taz said u better start comin here or imma start slappin